Vulcraft has developed an eight-part series of presentations to supplement your education. You will learn about open web steel joists, joist girders, and steel deck — their advantages, common implementations, tips, tools, and how to specify.
Vulcraft’s Designing Lecture Series was produced by a group of professors and engineering experts including James Fisher, Ph.D., P.E., Dist.M.ASCE, Dr. Chris Raebel, PH.D., P.E., SE, Dr. Marc Maguire, PhD, and Dr. Mark Denavit, Ph.D., P.E. James Fisher narrates each video. The series covers useful information not always included in engineering curriculum.
Presented by James M. Fisher, PE, PhD and co-author of Designing with Vulcraft Steel Joists, Joist Girders, Steel Deck.
This module offers an overview of aspects of steel design that students likely haven’t yet encountered in their courses. You will learn about the usage and advantages of steel joists, joist girders, and steel deck, and gain an understanding of load paths in them.
Learn about IBC standards and requirements that you will need to know for steel joists, including serviceability, load combinations, and roof loads (snow, rain, wind, and seismic).
Learn how to specify open web steel joists and joist girders. You will also become familiar with joist basics and the components of joists including cords, rods, and angles.
Understand the function of roof decks, the types and properties of roof decks, and typical connections. You will see the design procedure for a steel deck design example.
Learn how diaphragms work, see typical fasteners and attachment patterns, study design methods and limited states, and understand diaphragm stiffness.
Learn practical design of floor deck, floor joists, and joist girders, and the advantages of each. Understand strength design, fire ratings, vibration, and other considerations. Includes a practical design example incorporating these.
Gain insight from experienced experts on the most important things to keep in mind when designing. You will learn about resources and publications you can use in your work, as well as memorable design quips commonly used in the field.
Learn about the tools available to help you design more effectively. Become familiar with standard Vulcraft design tools and Steel Joist Institute design tools and review design examples using these tools.
April 2-4, 2025
Kentucky International Convention Center
221 S 4th St, Louisville, KY 40202
We’ve been hard at work creating solutions that enhance flexibility— and we can’t wait to share them with you at NASCC: The Steel Conference, Booth 101.